
【イングヴェイ・マルムスティーン成功について語る】インタビュー日本語訳 2/2



YNGWIE MALMSTEEN interview on his freakish obsessions with guitar 2010 | Raw & Uncut


Q:質問 YM:イングヴェイ・マルムスティーン

QCan you go a little bit further with your idea of less is more and more is less

[word_balloon id="1" position="R" size="M" balloon="bump" name_position="under_avatar" radius="true" avatar_border="false" avatar_shadow="false" balloon_shadow="true" font_color="#000000" bg_color="#3dc656" name_color="#33a54c" avatar_hide="true"]「※少ない方が多くて、多い方が少ないLess is more,More is Less」について考えを教えてもらえませんか? ※音数が少なくて洗練されている方が音楽的に優れているという意見に対してよく使われる文句[/word_balloon]

YMit's very simple it's very simple you know it's very simple I remember when I was first starting recording the first solo tour Steeler album was produced by Mike morning but it wasn't really small as in they go yeah great great and then the second one did was actress I producer in there and it kept on tell me to slow down you know I said hey slow down oh no no remember less is more that's the Morrison and I always said how can that be how could less be more it's impossible more is more you know simple simple logic and so that it became a little bit of a joke and you know motto so so I like the most marshals and the fastest notes and stuff faster Scott whatever I like I like it because it's fun and you know why dude halfway I just can't see why less is more as impossible for me to relate

[word_balloon id="1" position="L" size="M" balloon="bump" name_position="under_avatar" radius="true" avatar_border="false" avatar_shadow="false" balloon_shadow="true" avatar_hide="true" balloon_full_width="true"]簡単な事だよ。マイクとアルバムを作っていた頃に2つめのレコーディングでプロデューサーに「もっと遅く」って頻繁に言われたんだ。「less is more」ってね。そんなわけあるかってずっと言ってたよ「more is more」だってね。少ない方が多いなんてどんな理屈なんだってね。簡単に考えるんだ。まぁ最終的にちょっと冗談ぽくなっていったんだけど、結局のところマーシャルとか速いフレーズとか好きなんだ。それをゆっくりやった方がいいなんて俺にとっては意味を見いだせないね。[/word_balloon]

Qwhat's your legacy so far in your opinion it's a big question but what what do you feel in the big picture is what you've brought to to music

[word_balloon id="1" position="R" size="M" balloon="bump" name_position="under_avatar" radius="true" avatar_border="false" avatar_shadow="false" balloon_shadow="true" font_color="#000000" bg_color="#3dc656" avatar_hide="true" balloon_full_width="true"]ざっくりとした質問になりますが、どの様にこれまで音楽に対して貢献したと思いますか?[/word_balloon]

YM I can tell you this much that I went to America with one guitar one extra pair of pants and a toothbrush with a no direct plan you know and the fact I'm sitting here now 27 years later told you you is mind boggling which means that people still give us you know a hoot but what I'm doing to me that is the reward you know that it's not only being great all of like really great but it's been great for a long long time you know and I never really expected that you know I never thought that it would happen and so I take take that as a great gift you know

[word_balloon id="1" position="L" size="M" balloon="bump" name_position="under_avatar" radius="true" avatar_border="false" avatar_shadow="false" balloon_shadow="true" avatar_hide="true" balloon_full_width="true"]アメリカにはギター一本と替えの下着、あと歯ブラシ一本で行ったんだ。当時はまともな計画なんて特になにもなかった。でもこうして俺は27年後になってここに座っている。自分でも驚いてるよ。人はまだ俺に関心を持ってくれていて、それは素晴らしいミュージシャンになるだけじゃなくて何年もの間素晴らしいミュージシャンであり続けられたからなんだ。それは大変に光栄な事だよ。[/word_balloon]

Qwhat do you think it is you did specifically musically that allowed you to be here 20 cents

[word_balloon id="1" position="R" size="M" balloon="bump" name_position="under_avatar" radius="true" avatar_border="false" avatar_shadow="false" balloon_shadow="true" font_color="#000000" bg_color="#3dc656" avatar_hide="true" balloon_full_width="true"]具体的にどの様な事があなたを音楽的に20年以上も成功させているのでしょうか?[/word_balloon]

YMthe only thing I can think of is the fact that I've always been stubborn and extremely dedicated to what I do and I really believe in what I do and to quote niccolò paganini one must feel strongly to make others feel strongly it's a gamble but I think that's what makes it work because if we just follow the wind you blow away one day you know and I've always kinda liked taking the good with the bad and you know criticism I you used to you know so I just as long as I believe in what I'm doing I think that's the right thing to do I think that's why I'm still here

[word_balloon id="1" position="L" size="M" balloon="bump" name_position="under_avatar" radius="true" avatar_border="false" avatar_shadow="false" balloon_shadow="true" avatar_hide="true" balloon_full_width="true"]一つ思い当たるのは、俺は常に音楽に対して頑なでそれ以外何もしなかったって事かな。自分のやる事を信じてるし、パガニーニを引用するならば「他の人に強く感じてもらうためには、自分自身が強く感じなければならない」。一種のギャンブルみたいなもんなんだけど、それが重要な要素なんだと思う。風に身を任せてるといつの日か気がついてしまう。色々な批判もあったし良い事もあったけど結局そうやってここにたどり着いたんだ。[/word_balloon]
